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Top Doctors
Created by: Top Doctors editorial
Created: 2024-02-06

What are veneers?

Veneers and crowns are aesthetic solutions for covering damaged teeth. There are two types of veneer: composite veneers or porcelain veneers. They are made of metal, ceramic or porcelain fused on metal. Generally, their placement does not require anaesthesia, as it is relatively fast as a procedure, although porcelain veneers are placed under local anaesthesia to avoid sensitivity and any pain.


Why are veneers used?

Veneers can be placed with several objectives:

  • Covering tooth fractures
  • Covering interdental spaces
  • Correcting tooth shapes
  • Enlarging the teeth
  • Teeth whitening

Thus, they are indicated especially for patients with cavities or any breaks or abnormalities that cannot be repaired.

What does a veneer procedure consist of?

The veneer is a thin sheet made to measure that is only placed on the external face of the tooth, attached permanently by a type of cement imperceptible to the eye.

On the first visit, the patient explains their expectations and their underlying problem and the dentist examines the teeth to evaluate the most appropriate treatment options.

At the second visit, if the veneers are composite, they may be placed at the time as the procedure is simpler. However, if porcelain veneers are used, the teeth are cut a little and measurements are taken as dental impressions, and, in some cases, radiographs. This data is sent to the laboratory to manufacture the veneers, customized to the individual, so that the veneers adjust to each tooth.

Finally, on the third visit, the porcelain veneers are placed by applying a special cement so that they remain fixed.

Preparing for a veneers procedure

It should be noted that the veneers cannot be placed if there are oral health problems, since the veneers do not solve them, but mask them. So, before the placement, these problems must be addressed.


Once the veneers are placed, it is important to follow the following tips to maintain good care:

  • Brush the teeth well
  • Floss
  • Do not smoke
  • Take care with drinks such as coffee, tea, juices, wine or similar drinks which can stain teeth
  • Do not consume too many sauces, especially ketchup and mustard
  • Undergo professional cleanings periodically
  • Do not bite objects to cut or hold them
  • Do not squeeze or grind your teeth
  • Be careful with some sports in which you can receive a blow to the mouth