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Top Doctors
Top Doctors editorial
Top Doctors
Created by: Top Doctors editorial

What is a musculoskeletal ultrasound?

A musculoskeletal ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging tool which uses state-of-the-art transducers to help carry on an accurate analysis of muscles and tendons.

What does it involve?

A musculoskeletal ultrasound (also known as musculotendinous ultrasound) is a diagnostic imaging tool which uses ultrasound to get a quick diagnosis. The procedure does not use X-rays. This technique allows for an optimal evaluation for muscular structures while distinguishing the anatomical components of the joints and tendons.

What is it for?

This test is useful for evaluating the consequences of traumas which can cause muscle rupture, haematoma, muscle hernia, contracture or tendon damage. As the radiologist moves the tranducer over your body, a real-time image of the muscles and tendons is displayed on the monitor screen, allowing the radiologist to formulate a diagnosis based on the ultrasound image.

How can you prepare for it?

Preparation for a musculoskeletal ultrasound involves applying a gel on your skin over the affected area. This gel allows for better contact between the transducer emitting ultrasounds and the skin.

What does it feel like during the procedure?

A musculoskeletal ultrasound is a painless procedure unless it is carried out over a highly inflamed area. In that case you might feel a small amount pain.