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Top Doctors
Top Doctors editorial
Top Doctors
Created by: Top Doctors editorial

What is a buttocks lift?

A buttocks lift is a procedure intended to correct buttocks ptosis (more commonly referred to as a saggy bum/butt), which occurs with ageing, after pregnancy or after substantial weight loss, and confers a “squarish” appearance to the buttocks. The purpose of this treatment —usually performed under sedation— is therefore to restore the original position and at the same time to remodel the area.

Why is it done?

A buttocks lift is used to correct the laxity that develops in the buttocks as a result of the ageing process, after a pregnancy or after weight loss. After development of such laxity in the skin and muscles, the rounded figure of yesteryear disappears. In parallel, a volume deficit arises in the upper buttocks while a volume excess arises in the lower buttocks, such that the buttocks look “squarish”. The lift procedure eliminates excess fat and skin, improving the contours of the waist, hips and buttocks.

This intervention is frequently done in elderly women, but also in men and in people who have lost a lot of weight.

What does it involve?

The buttocks lift may be performed as an independent procedure or in combination with liposculpture or gluteal implants/prostheses. There are several ways of performing a buttocks lift: standard buttocks lift; correction of the buttocks crease; Brazilian butt lift; and buttocks lift with implants.

The duration of the intervention is 1½ or 2 hours approximately. Once the desired results have been specified and the relevant markings made on the patient’s skin, the surgeon will make an elliptical incision to eliminate excess fat and skin. Once done, the tissue is sutured in layers with dissolvable thread, and the skin is sutured; sometimes drains may be incorporated to eliminate possible secretions from the wound and they are removed after a few days. 

Preparation for a buttocks lift

Preparation for a buttocks lift is straightforward. First, you will undergo an assessment to determine which is the most appropriate treatment for you. You will also have to undergo various tests to check the functioning of your heart and respiratory system. Nevertheless, you will also have to follow the surgeon’s instructions concerning, for example, the pre-operative fasting period, and any medications that you will have to avoid.

Post-operative care

After the operation, you will have to follow some instructions for a post-operative period free of complications. You will have to make transport arrangements because it will be impossible for you to drive after the operation. It is recommended that an adult accompany you for at least the first 48 hours.

You may be recommended to use an elastic bandage for approximately 3 to 6 weeks. This bandage, which should be worn day and night, will provide support and contribute to healing and reduction of inflammation.

The result will be visible when the inflammation has almost completely vanished, within 6 to 12 weeks, although you will not be able to see the final result until one year after the procedure. The final result is permanent.