نحن نستخدم سياساتنا وملفات تعريف ارتباط الطرف الثالث لنقدم لك خدمة وتجربة أفضل. استمرارك في التصفح يعني موافقتك لها. سياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط

محفز الحبل الشوكي

Top Doctors
Top Doctors editorial
Top Doctors
Created by: Top Doctors editorial

Medullary neurostimulation is a technique for the treatment of chronic, neuropathic and lumbar pain, or even migraines. An electric field is applied to the nervous system to interrupt the transmission of pain to the affected area. The treatment is performed through a generator that, through electrodes placed on the skin of the area to be treated, transmits impulses to the peripheral nerve. These electrical impulses are used to relieve pain without creating a muscle contracture. Therefore, the intensity, frequency and amplitude of the current are adapted in each treatment, according to the symptoms and requirements of each patient.