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Top Doctors
Top Doctors editorial
Top Doctors
Created by: Top Doctors editorial

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a treatment that uses natural collagen inductors; injectable substances that activate the natural production of this protein found mainly in the bones and skin.

The effect is usually immediate and very satisfactory, though the final result becomes visible after two or three months and lasts for up to a year after treatment. 

Why is it performed?

Microneedling is used to correct imperfections and to improve the smoothness of the skin. It also helps shape the contour and volume of the face and to restore its V effect. The treatment eliminates facial sagging without the need for surgery, giving the skin a more youthful appearance and providing an unprecedented lifting effect.

The ideal candidates for this treatment are people who experience volume loss in the cheeks, drooping eyebrows and sagging around the jawline, all of which are signs of mild to moderate facial flaccidity.

The most commonly applied treatments using collagen inductors are radiofrequency, facial threads and injectable filler materials; the injectable substances include polycaprolactone, beta-tricalcium phosphate and polylactic acid.

What does it involve?

This treatment involves injecting calcium hydroxyapatite-based natural collagen into the sagging areas.

The results are immediate, natural and last for up to a year after treatment. Two or three sessions are normally required to achieve the desired result and it is recommended to leave four or five weeks between each session.

How to prepare for it

Before treatment, a topical anaesthetic is applied to avoid any potential discomfort caused by injections into the most sensitive areas.

Post-treatment care

We recommend avoiding hot baths and strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours after treatment. You should also avoid sunlight and UV rays for a week afterwards.