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Top Doctors
Top Doctors editorial
Top Doctors
Created by: Top Doctors editorial

What are gas permeable contact lenses?

Gas permeable contact lenses, or GP contact lenses, are rigid contact lenses made of a hard material that is oxygen-permeable. Hence, GP contact lenses are also known as rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses. They provide an alternative option to soft contact lenses which are commonly chosen by many people. GP contact lenses are made of a plastic material that allows oxygen to pass from the surface of the eyes to the cornea. This provides comfort for your eyes and promotes the health of your eyes whilst you are wearing your lenses.

Why are gas permeable contact lenses used?

GP contact lenses do provide certain advantages over the use of soft contact lenses. Whilst many people believe that rigid contact lenses would be very uncomfortable, in fact, this is untrue as they can provide comparable comfort levels to soft contact lenses.

Benefits of gas permeable contact lenses:

What else are GP contact lenses used for?

GP contact lenses are also used for the following: