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Top Doctors
Top Doctors editorial
Top Doctors
Created by: Top Doctors editorial

What is dental trauma?

Dental trauma is physical injury to the teeth, gums, the alveolar bone (the bone that holds the tooth sockets), or the soft tissue of the mouth, including the lips and tongue. There are several types of injury that fall under the category of dental trauma, including the following:


What are the causes of dental trauma?

Most cases of dental trauma are caused by accidents, including falls, vehicle collisions, and playing sports. Some cases are due to being involved in violent incidents, such as fighting or physical abuse.


Treatments for dental trauma

The treatment depends on the nature of the trauma. Injuries to the mouth and teeth should be examined by a dentist, especially if a tooth or teeth have become loose or sustained damage. In some cases, when a tooth is visibly damaged, the neighbouring teeth may also have injuries that are not necessarily visible unless detected by a dental exam.


Which type of specialist treats dental trauma?

Dentists treat all kinds of tooth problems, and your dentist will probably be your first point of call after sustaining dental trauma. Within dentistry, endodontists specialise in treating injuries to the teeth, using advanced skills and techniques to save injured teeth.