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Top Doctors
Top Doctors editorial
Top Doctors
Created by: Top Doctors editorial

What is complex restorative dentistry?

Complex restorative dentistry goes beyond the straightforward tooth whitening of aesthetic dentistry improvements and uses a combination of crowns, veneers, implants and bridges to improve the appearance of your teeth. Complex teeth restorations are performed when the teeth have lost their natural structure and strength. Crowns can provide structural support, precious metal substructures can be used to reinforce crowns if needed, and bridges can provide a replacement for lost teeth. If teeth are particularly damaged, ceramic restorations and the use of veneers can be considered.

Why is it done?

Complex restorative dentistry is needed when a patient presents with teeth that are decayed, defective, damaged, or missing altogether. These types of restorations are not considered cosmetic but are needed to restore oral health and to prevent further disease.

Having complex restorative dentistry can give patients the following:

The following dental problems can be treated with complex restorative dentistry:

What does it involve?

There is a range of treatments that can be used for complex dental restoration. These include:

How do you prepare for complex restorative dentistry?

Depending on the methods of restoration being used, you may require anaesthesia for the procedure. Sometimes it will be necessary to have oral surgery before your dental restoration is performed, and this will have its own preparatory measures and recovery period to manage.


Immediately following your restoration, you may have to avoid certain foods and drinks temporarily, such as ice cold or fizzy drinks and hard, chewy foods. Crowns, bridges and implants are not expected to last a lifetime, but with thorough dental care, the results of your dental restoration should last a longer amount of time before any replacements are needed.