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Top Doctors
Top Doctors editorial
Top Doctors
Created by: Top Doctors editorial

When is the right age for glasses?

By the age of three or four a child’s eyes should be fully developed and an eye exam at this age will determine whether they have a vision problem that needs correcting with glasses. Correcting vision problems as early as possible will prevent a child from having any problems with seeing the board and reading in the classroom.

If you notice any signs of squinting, twitching or greying of the pupil, consult an optician immediately. The same applies if a baby is not making eye contact or poor sight runs in the family.

Why do children need glasses?

A child will need glasses if they have, for example, short-sightedness (myopia) where distant objects appear blurred, while close objects can be seen clearly or if they have long-sightedness (hyperopia) where distant objects can be seen clearly but objects that are up close are blurry and out of focus.

How is a child tested for glasses?

A refraction test will be carried out by an optometrist to determine whether a child needs glasses or not, and if so what prescription they need. Before the test, your child may be given eye drops to widen their pupils so that the back of the eyes can be seen more clearly.

Before this test, the child will be asked to look at a light or read letters on a chart, while different lenses are placed in front of their eyes.

Other eye tests that may be carried out

Questions to ask the optometrist

Features to consider when choosing your child’s glasses

Taking care of your child’s glasses